With the recent work on getting ship-shape I have not forgotten about the land-based minis. It is still my plan to acquire some 28mm minis for skirmish gaming, as the budget allows. I am looking forward to the release of the WSS line from Ebor Miniatures, as they appear to be wonderfully sculpted. And the nickers - that is a special subject and one that will require me to plunge happily again into the books for more snippets of information.
Along with the 28mm minis I do desire to collect a smaller scale force for mass battles, either 6mm or 10mm. The smaller scale will make the appearance of massive monsters more likely, as 15mm or even 25mm minis could be used, and they would be appropriately large compared to the small-scale troops. 10mm WSS minis are available from both Pendraken and Old Glory, while in 6mm they are produced by Baccus.
And the rules. As time allows I want to try Song of Drums & Shakos. I dug up some old minis - some Old Glory French colonial troops (?), and some medieval crossbowmen that I will use as proxies to just try the rules.
All that is left is for me to actually get some of this done...
Battle of Vilshofen 1745
6 hours ago